This is an old archived post from my former blog The Idea Shower. It's where I cataloged my product explorations and releases, one of which ultimately became Pocket.

This post was published back in 2012. It may not function as originally intended or may be missing images.

Link post

January 01, 2012

Well I finally made the switch. After ignoring my old (Wordpress) blog for 2 years I decided to make the move to Tumblr.

I didn't want to lose all of my previous content but for some reason it was rather difficult to find a solid way to import my old Wordpress content into Tumblr.

The best I found was dhawalhshah's project on GitHub.

After making a few quick tweaks, I was rolling on Tumblr in no time:

/ideashower/Export-Wordpress-posts-to-Tumblr Changes:

  • Imports tags and slugs
  • Skip unpublished posts
  • Import only from specified categories
  • Outputs a php array that can be used to redirect the old site links to the new one