This post was published back in 2008. It may not function as originally intended or may be missing images.
Layer XUL Elements/Images/Backgrounds in Firefox 3 Extensions Using Stack
While working on the Read It Later Firefox Extension, I wanted a way to layer multiple background images on a toolbar button so I could create a nice looking notification indicator like on the iPhone. (Note I opt-ed later to use a simpler look, but this method might still be helpful for other applications).
In order to make this work you'll need to familarize yourself with XBL and XUL Stacks. XBL allows you to essentially reconfigure how an XUL element works/looks.
In this case, we'll use XBL to replace a normal ToolbarButton into a Stack Element.
So first you'll need your toolbarbutton added to your XUL overlay:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><bindings xmlns="" xmlns:xbl="" xmlns:xul="">
<binding id="toolbarbutton" display="xul:menu" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/button.xml#menu-button-base">
<resources> <stylesheet src="chrome://global/skin/toolbarbutton.css" /> </resources>
<content> <xul:toolbarbutton class="buttonstack" anonid="button" flex="1" allowevents="true" xbl:inherits="disabled,crop,image,label,accesskey,command,align, dir,pack,orient,toolbarmode,buttonstyle,status,notifyNumber" /> </content> </binding>
<binding id="buttonstack"> <content> <children> <xul:stack align="center" pack="center" xbl:inherits="allowevents">
<xul:image src="chrome://urextension/skin/buttonimage.png" /> <xul:image src="chrome://urextension/skin/number_circle.png" /> <xul:label value="" xbl:inherits="value=notifyNumber,allowevents" /> </xul:stack> </children>
</content> </binding>
You will need to apply left/top attributes to the second and third layers to position the numbered circle where you'd like it. Follow the Stack tutorial (linked above) for more information about positioning the elements inside of a stack.
To change the number in the notification, simply change the attribute 'notifyNumber' on your toolbar button.
Finally, you need to apply the bindings to your toolbar button. In your stylesheet add the following lines:
#tButton { -moz-binding: url("chrome://urextension/content/yourxblfile.xml#toolbarbutton"); } .buttonstack { -moz-binding: url("chrome://urextension/content/yourxblfile.xml#buttonstack"); }