This post was published back in 2009. It may not function as originally intended or may be missing images.
Going All In
Today, I am taking on Read It Later, iPhone development and Idea Shower projects full-time.
Two years ago, I worked for a small web design agency in the Twin Cities and on one random night after work I built a little project. A few months later I decided that I really liked making these little projects and made the call to leave my job and focus more time on my projects while doing contract work part time.
But as the last two years have gone by, in order to make a living, I found myself working full time on contract work and having little time to apply to my own ideas. And again, two years later, I have found myself seemingly in the exact same place again.
However, this time, one thing is different. That little project I started 2 years ago has started to do something I never planned on: it started making money. It's not enough to quit working and live on an island and it's not enough to cover my previous contract income, but it is enough to make me believe that I can finally get to where I wanted to be all along: making a living from users, not clients.
It is not going to be easy. Yet, as nervous as I am to take this risk, I've found that in my short 25 years on this planet, I've never regretted doing something. My only regrets have ever come from not trying something. In the end, if I fall, I can pick myself up and try something else.
Idea Shower is coming back. I'll be launching the 2.0 version of Read It Later (which is going to rock, I'll have you know), and then I'll be moving onto 3 other projects I plan to launch within the next 6 months.
Stay tuned.